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Watch out for Scammers!

Nowadays scammers are becoming more intelligent in their attempts to extort money or personal information from you. Many people, particularly the elderly and those who aren’t well aware, have fallen victim to these heinous schemes. It’s terrifying to think that our grandparents could lose thousands of their savings because they wanted to buy something online. You should be on the watch for scammers and use some of these tips to protect yourself and your loved ones:

  • Scammers would usually request you to make payments – even though you haven’t made any orders.
  • If the offer is too good to be true, i.e. iPhone 12 for RM500, please do not ever fall for that.
  • Make sure the seller’s account is verified / authentic / official. This way you could put in more trust in spending your money.
  • Use a secured platforms that can give you money back guarantee whenever shopping online. For instance; Shopee, Zalora, Lazada, etc.
  • Check products’ reviews. Ensure that the reviews are not from bot accounts or that they aren’t repetitive or directly translated. If most of its reviews are like that, then there must be something fishy going on…
  • Check the seller’s ratings as well. If there are no ratings then it could be considered as unauthentic.
  • When shopping online, use a fake name. Inform family members or whoever’s at home that will be receiving your parcel for you when you are away. This way, when you receive a parcel that is directed to you and under your real name, then you’ll know something’s not right.
  • When throwing away your package’s wrapping, ensure that the tear and the dispose the airway bill properly because it has your personal details such as your address.

Please be reminded that scams also target people of all backgrounds, ages and income levels across the world. You could be in Malaysia right now and be scammed by someone who is half the world away from you. Scams succeed because they resemble the actual thing and will catch you off guard when you least expect it. Therefore, always be careful whenever shopping online. Educate yourself, family members especially the elder ones, and your friends. As your Trusted Delivery Partner, we want you to shop safe and smart.

City-Link Express cares about you.