Security & Privacy

In promoting a culture of transparency and trust within its business and operations, CITY-LINK EXPRESS firmly believes and upholds that its employees and external parties shall conduct themselves with integrity and ethical practices in undertaking their tasks.

This Policy allows a report or disclosure to be made in view of any act that is perceived to be an improper conduct committed against all rules and regulations of the Company and legal requirements. The whistleblower is accorded with protection as provided within this Policy as long as the report or disclosure is made without malicious intent. Further details on this Policy, refer to click here.

City-Link Express is committed to provide its customers, employees, stakeholders and vendors with quality services and to conserve the environment through its activities and services where it operates.

City-Link Express requires the commitment and support of all employees in the Quality and Environment (QE) implementation. In addition, the management team will ensure all activity complies with the QE Management System.

City-Link Express practices a QE Culture through the involvement of employees, stakeholders and vendors/suppliers/contractors.

As City-Link Express, we will: 

  • Implement and maintain a QE Management System in compliance with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards.
  • Fulfil the applicable compliance obligations.
  • Conserve the environment, including prevention of pollution and other specific commitments relevant to City-Link Express.
  • Establish and review QE Objectives on a periodic basis.
  • Provide continuous training and briefings to our employees and vendors.
  • Continually improve our QE Management System and practices.


The QE policy shall be reviewed annually for its effectiveness and continuing suitability of the QE Management System.

As part of City-Link Express commitment to you, our customer; we have created our charter to ensure that all employees of City-Link Express give his / her best in ensuring customer satisfaction. 

1. Pick-up
  • Upon your standard pick-up order has been placed, we will endeavour to collect your shipment at the stipulated time and date.
  • Should our courier be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g.: weather conditions, road works, accidents, etc) we will attempt the next working day. We seek your kind understanding while we make alternative arrangements to collect your shipment.
  • If your shipment is improperly packed or missing its connoted document, our courier has the right to hold on collection. This is to ensure that the correct person receives the right shipment and in good condition.
  • We begin our collections during normal working hours 9.30am to 5.30pm (Weekdays) and 8.30am to 12.30pm (Saturdays).
  • No collection or deliveries on Sunday, public holidays and respective state holidays.
2. Delivery
  • Our standard delivery hour is from 9.30am – 6.30pm.
  • As we understand that many of our customers are not home during deliveries; please contact our hotline +65 63443377, should you receive our notification card on a failed delivery attempt.
  • If you wish to change the delivery address or to allow an authorised person to collect on your behalf, kindly note that City-Link Express is required to notify the shipper for this new arrangement.
  • Should you find that the shipment you received is in poor condition, please contact City-Link Express at +65 63443377. Kindly notify City-Link Express immediately within 48 hours of receiving your shipment. Any notification after the 48 hours will not be entertained.
3. Courier
  • All City-Link Express couriers can easily be identified by their official company uniforms and ID tags.
  • Should you be approached by a person claiming to be a City-Link Express courier without wearing his uniform and tag, please exercise caution.
  • Each courier has been reminded to give you a proper greeting when doing their pick-up or deliveries.
4. Customer service
  • Our customer service officers will try their best to assist for any enquiry that you may have.
  • Due to the high volume of calls that we receive a day, we apologise if you are unable to connect to us on the 1st call attempt. Please be patient if you are put on hold and we will attend to you as soon as possible.
  • When you visit our branch, our staff will do their best to ensure your visit with us is short and productive. Should there be a queue, we humbly ask that you take a seat while we attend to you shortly.
(For Customers, Service Providers and Business Associates)

This Personal Data Protection Policy (“Policy”) describes how City-Link Express (M) Sdn Bhd (Co. No. 64844-A) a company incorporated and registered under the Companies Act, 1965 in Malaysia and having its principal place of business at Wisma City-Link, No.3A, Jalan Akitek U1/22, Seksyen U1, Hicom-Glenmarie Industrial Park, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, and/or its related companies (“City-Link”) uses your Personal Data.

By engaging City-Link to provide services or by interacting with City-Link as a service provider or business associate you consent to the processing of your Personal Data by City-Link and all persons involved in the provision of services.


City-Link respects the privacy of all individuals who are in contractual relationship with us. We shall remain committed in protecting all Personal Data retained by us. For this reason, we have adopted this Policy by complying with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 of Malaysia.

Collection of Personal Data
  1. ‘Personal Data’ means information which you have disclosed to us such as name, address, telephone number, NRIC, email address, your personal references, particulars of spouse, bank account information and any information which may identify you, your spouse or personal reference that has been or may be collected, stored, used and processed by City-Link from time to time.
  2. Personal Data is provided on a voluntary basis. However, if such Personal Data is not provided, City-Link may not be able to communicate with you or render any services as contracted.
Purposes of Processing

City-Link may use and process the Personal Data for the purposes connected with providing services as requested by you or for business activities which shall include, without limitation to:-

  1. Undertaking carriage of shipments both locally and overseas;
  2. Monitoring, managing and administrating customers account in regard to collections, credit assessments and debt management;
  3. Communications with Service Providers and Business Associates;
  4. Conduct marketing surveys and customers’ profiling activities in connection with services;

and you agree and grant consent to City-Link to use and process your Personal Data in the manner as stated within this Policy.

Transfer of Personal Data

City-Link through its information technology storage of data located in Malaysia, your Personal Data may be transferred to, stored, used and processed with appropriate security controls in a jurisdiction outside Malaysia, for the purposes described above. You agree and consent to the transfer of your Personal Data out of Malaysia as described herein.


City-Link may engage Service Providers or Business Associates or individuals in Malaysia or abroad to perform functions on its behalf and in so doing may provide access or disclose your Personal Data to third parties, such as (non-exhaustive list):-

  1. Information technology or data entry service providers;
  2. Warehousing storage facility providers;
  3. Financial institutions & insurance service providers;
  4. Business professional advisors and external auditor;
  5. Any regulatory and governmental authorities in order to comply with statutory and government requirements.
Data Security

The security of Personal Data shall be City-Link’s priority where all measures would be taken to protect your Personal Data with adequate security controls.

Rights of Access

Subject to any exceptions under applicable laws, you are entitled to request for access to, or for correction or rectification of your Personal Data or limit the processing of your Personal Data, or seek further information from:-

General Enquiries

Legal & Corporate Services Department
City-Link Express (M) Sdn Bhd,
No.3A, Jalan Akitek U1/22, Seksyen U1,
Hicom-Glenmarie Industrial Park,
40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Telephone No: 03-5565 8399 ext 3003
Facsimile No: 03-5569 4062

City-Link has the right to refuse your requests to access and/or to make any correction to your Personal Data for reasons permitted under the law, such as the expense of providing access to you is disproportionate to the risks to your privacy.

(Untuk Pelanggan, Pembekal Perkhidmatan dan Rakan Perniagaan)

Dasar Perlindungan Data Peribadi (“Dasar”) ini menerangkan bagaimana City-Link Express (M) Sdn Bhd (Co. No. 64844-A) sebuah syarikat yang diperbadankan dan didaftarkan di bawah Akta Syarikat, 1965 di Malaysia dan mempunyai tempat utama perniagaan di Wisma City-Link, No.3A, Jalan Akitek U1/22, Seksyen U1, Hicom-Glenmarie Industrial Park, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, dan/atau syarikat-syarikat berkaitannya (“City-Link”) menggunakan Data Peribadi anda.

Dengan melibatkan City-Link untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan atau berinteraksi dengan City-Link sebagai pembekal perkhidmatan atau rakan perniagaan, anda bersetuju untuk pemprosesan Data Peribadi anda oleh City-Link serta semua orang yang terlibat dalam penyediaan perkhidmatan.

This Policy is subject to changes and we reserve the right to amend, alter and/or vary this Policy from time to time. Notification of changes would be made known to you through any suitable medium of communication or through our website. In any event of a conflict between the English and Bahasa Malaysia language versions of this Policy, the English version shall prevail.


City-Link menghormati privasi semua individu yang mempunyai hubungan kontrak dengan kami. Kami akan terus komited dalam melindungi semua Data Peribadi yang dibekalkan. Atas sebab ini, kami telah menerima pakai Dasar ini dengan mematuhi Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010 Malaysia.

Pengumpulan Data Peribadi
  1. ‘Data Peribadi’ bermaksud maklumat yang telah anda berikan kepada kami seperti nama, alamat, nombor telefon, nombor kad pengenalan, alamat emel, butir-butir rujukan peribadi, butir-butir rujukan pasangan, maklumat akaun bank anda dan sebarang maklumat yang berkaitan anda, pasangan anda atau butir-butir peribadi yang telah atau mungkin dikumpul, disimpan, digunakan dan diproses oleh City-Link dari semasa ke semasa.
  2. Data Peribadi diberi secara sukarela. Walaubagaimanapun, jika apa-apa Data Peribadi yang tidak diberikan, City-Link mungkin tidak dapat berkomunikasi dengan anda atau memberikan perkhidmatan seperti mana yang dikontrakkan.
Tujuan Pemprosesan

City-Link boleh menggunakan dan memproses Data Peribadi bagi tujuan menyediakan perkhidmatan atau untuk aktiviti perniagaan, tanpa terhad kepada:-

  1. Menjalankan pengangkutan penghantaran dalam dan luar negara;
  2. Mengawasi, mengurus dan mentadbir akaun pelanggan berkenaan dengan tujuan pengurusan kewangan, penilaian kredit dan pengurusan hutang;
  3. Komunikasi dengan pembekal perkhidmatan dan rakan perniagaan;
  4. Menjalankan tinjauan pemasaran dan profil pelanggan yang berkaitan dengan perkhidmatan;

dan anda bersetuju bahawa City-Link boleh menggunakan dan memproses Data Peribadi anda mengikut cara yang dinyatakan dalam Dasar ini.

Pemindahan Data Peribadi

City-Link melalui penyimpanan teknologi maklumat data yang terletak di Malaysia, Data Peribadi anda mungkin akan dipindahkan, disimpan, digunakan dan diproses dengan kawalan keselamatan yang sesuai dalam bidang kuasa di luar Malaysia, bagi maksud yang dinyatakan di atas. Anda bersetuju dengan pemindahan Data Peribadi daripada Malaysia sebagaimana yang dinyatakan di dalam ini.


City-Link mungkin terlibat dengan pembekal perkhidmatan atau rakan perniagaan atau individu di Malaysia atau di luar negara untuk bertindak bagi pihaknya dan dengan berbuat demikian ia akan memberikan akses atau mendedahkan Data Peribadi anda kepada pihak ketiga, seperti dibawah (senarai tidak terhad):-

  1. Teknologi maklumat atau kemasukan Data pembekal perkhidmatan;
  2. Pergudangan pembekal kemudahan penyimpanan;
  3. Pembekal perkhidmatan institusi kewangan & insurans;
  4. Perniagaan penasihat professional dan juruaudit luaran;
  5. Mana-mana pihak berkuasa atau kerajaan untuk mematuhi keperluan undang-undang dan kerajaan.
Keselamatan Data

City-Link akan mengambil semua langkah-langkah untuk melindungi Data Peribadi anda dengan kawalan keselamatan yang mencukupi.

Hak-Hak Akses

Tertakluk kepada mana-mana pengecualian di bawah undang-undang, anda berhak untuk meminta akses kepada, atau untuk pembetulan atau rektifikasi terhadap Data Peribadi anda atau mengehadkan pemprosesan Data Peribadi anda. Anda boleh mendapatkan maklumat lanjut:-

Untuk Pertanyaan Am

Jabatan Undang-Undang & Perkhidmatan Korporat
City-Link Express (M) Sdn Bhd,
No.3A, Jalan Akitek U1/22, Seksyen U1,
Hicom-Glenmarie Industrial Park,
40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Tel No: 03-5565 8399 ext 3003
Faks No: 03-5569 4062

City-Link mempunyai hak untuk menolak permintaan anda untuk mengakses dan / atau membuat sebarang pembetulan terhadap Data Peribadi anda atas sebab-sebab yang dibenarkan di bawah undang-undang, seperti perbelanjaan menyediakan akses kepada anda adalah tidak seimbang dengan risiko kepada privasi anda.

Dasar ini adalah tertakluk kepada perubahan dan kami berhak untuk meminda, mengubah dan / atau mengubah Dasar ini dari semasa ke semasa. Pemberitahuan perubahan akan dimaklumkan kepada anda melalui mana-mana media yang sesuai untuk berkomunikasi atau melalui laman web kami. Dalam apa jua keadaan konflik diantara versi Bahasa Inggeris dan versi Bahasa Malaysia pada Dasar ini, versi Bahasa Inggeris akan diguna pakai.

City-Link is committed in conducting its business in an honest and ethical manner and shall institute such values within the company. We are also committed to act professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business engagements, dealings and relationships by holding to the governance of zero tolerance toward bribery by effecting and implementing systems in addressing to bribery.

The company and its employees will adhere to all legislations that governs the conduct towards anti-bribery and corruption in all jurisdictions in which we are operating as a business concern. We shall remain bound to the laws of Malaysia, namely the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (Amendment) Act 2018 and any related laws enacted in reference to our conduct.

For further details on this Policy, refer to click here.