City-Link Express is committed to provide its customers, employees, stakeholders and vendors with quality services and to conserve the environment through its activities and services where it operates.
City-Link Express requires the commitment and support of all employees in the Quality and Environment (QE) implementation. In addition, the management team will ensure all activity complies with the QE Management System.
City-Link Express practices a QE Culture through the involvement of employees, stakeholders and vendors/suppliers/contractors.
As City-Link Express, we will:
- Implement and maintain a QE Management System in compliance with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards.
- Fulfil the applicable compliance obligations.
- Conserve the environment, including prevention of pollution and other specific commitments relevant to City-Link Express.
- Establish and review QE Objectives on a periodic basis.
- Provide continuous training and briefings to our employees and vendors.
- Continually improve our QE Management System and practices.
The QE policy shall be reviewed annually for its effectiveness and continuing suitability of the QE Management System.